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Find your balance

Whether you've been experiencing anxiety, stress, low self steem, pain, sleep issues, or you want to quit smoking / vaping, you have arrived at your safe space. Welcome home.

Different ways we can work together




Yoga Nidra

Give me your hand and I'll hold it._edit

Conscious Touch

Fall Essentials


How can I help?


Find your safe space and develop tools to keep your monkey mind under control.

Low Self Esteem

Get your confidence and self esteem back and uncover your true self.


Reduce stress by learning how to relax in challenging situations.


Travel to idyllic places in your imagination and find healing to you migraines.

Quit smoking

Breathe deeply and freely and quit smoking or vaping for good.


Phobias such as flying, driving in motorways, public speaking, snakes, spiders, to name a few.

Sleep issues

Fall asleep easily and peacefully or get back to sleep if you wake up during the night.

Other issues

If your issue is not listed, there may still be ways that we can work together.


My name is Joana Costeira

I blend Hypnotherapy, Yoga Nidra and sounds in bespoke sessions to help you find your balance and address issues like anxiety, stress, low self esteem, sleep and insomnia, phobias, migraines, pain, quit smoking, and quit vaping.

Feel free to message me below and book a complimentary 15min introduction call for us to meet each other and to find out how I can help you.
Taking that first step towards healing can sometimes be overwhelming, but there is no commitment at this stage.

I felt very supported by Jo in my hypnosis sessions. She has a very soothing demeanor and I found it very instinctual to fully relax and sink into the experience. She was very tuned to my needs and it always felt like a safe place to question and introspect. She uses beautiful sound healing instruments alongside the hypnosis, which for me were massively enhancing of the whole experience.

I.B., Brighton


Sessions online

On Zoom, from the comfort of your home!

Sessions in person in the UK


9A Princes Street




Lower Ground, 60 Lansdowne Place


Thanks for your message. I will reply as soon as possible!

Book an Appointment

If you have come this far then you are ready to find your balance and live a happier life. Book a free non-commital 15 minute call today and take that next step towards your healing journey.

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